All about Udemy..

We all are well aware from the importance of online learning platforms .Do you know that ,you can also create your online courses and can teach across the world students?Previously for teaching you have to go in colleges and universities to teach the student but, in this era you can teach student of all over world form your home, according to your own comfort or own time. If you think that you have great expertise in your subject and can explain the topic very well to students than you can spread your knowledge across the world . What you need for this is a good internet connection or desktop or laptop .On web there are many websites which provides a platform to meet students and teachers. You can teach student by creating your course and can build your own identity or brand as a successful teacher or instructor .Today I am going to tell you about udemy( a online teaching marketplace )and how you can earn money by creating a successful course on udemy ?

About udemy

Udemy is largest online teaching marketplace having more than 7million students and 16k instructor and running  in 190 countries.For creating a course on udemy you have not required any kind of teaching experience. The best thing with udemy is that it provides free easy to use course creation tools to instructors. On udemy you can teach any kind of subject according to your interest and expertise .

How to launch a course on udemy

For launching a course on udemy you have to fulfill the process of  4 p’s planning ,producing ,polishing and publishing. After going through all these process your courses will be on udemy marketplace.

1.Planning for the course

In planning process you have to pick a relevant topic for teaching,Publishing schedule and the outline of your course means what content you will cover in your course.
A)Picking your topic is obviously an important part of teaching a course -after all, it is what you're teaching? Before crating a course on udemy you have to  do initial planning about the course by making a roadmap of your course like in which topic you want to teach? On udemy you can teach any type of course which you know or love to teach. For choosing your topic you have to do little bit of analysis .
> Describe your ideal student
who are your students ?For which type of students you are creating a course ?Why they will purchase your course. After getting answers of these questions you are done with your target students .
>Positioning your course:- Positioning your course means to decide on which topic you want to teach ,if there are already exist your course topic then how you will differentiate your course from the crowd?
Go onto and search for the “broad topic” of your course. (let assume you want to  create a course on “Excel for Accountants”, than your broad topic would be “Excel”). See what courses are out there, and how they fit into the topic you are thinking of teaching  for example :-udemy-course-creation-5_thumb1
You can say it a bit of market analysis for your course as well.
Now the final part is to make a course according to udemy landscape in which student want to enter.This should be your course topic .
If your course topic is same,which is already on the udemy than you can differentiate your topic from your teaching style(can use different type of projects,videos,or audios),for becoming a successful teacher,you have to be creative or specific.
B)Schedule of course
You have decide what interval you will publish you course like publishing in 15 days, one in 30 days, and one in 60 days.
C) Create a outline for your course means from where does it begin or end.
for example you want to teach how to make desert. This will be your broad Topic, in this topic you will cover up two sections on cake or ice-cream, and on cake section you have 2 lectures and ice-cream section you have I lecture . This is your course outline you have to do all exercise within this course outline ,you can use video ,audio,images  or text  .

2 Producing your course

After done with planning of your course now you have to do producing ,means how you will prepare your course ?
A)Selecting your equipment :for producing your course you have to decide the equipment needed to producing.In production of your course you can use cameras  smartphone ,DSLR cameras or webcam for Videos or images , for audio section you can use Microphones..
B)Testing of  the course means check the videos or audio quality and lightning setup. Udemy will help you in checking all course and you have to make a sample video of your course  and just upload sample video  and udemy team will test your course video and give you personal feedback, if it require any type of improvement.
At the time of making the video you have to keep thing in mind that -
Videos should be shot in full HD: 1280x720p, 16:9.  do not compress the files, and make sure to export them with full HD settings as well.
your audio is free of white noise, humming, background noise, tinny-ness, echoes and any other distracting sounds.  use a microphone,
C)After complete previous process remove your some mistakes by shooting and editing your videos.
D) The final step under producing course is assembling all the lectures, it is like put all the pieces together. In this section you will upload videos ,write descriptions on your lectures and upload some supportive material.

3.Polishing your course

Polishing your course is like, to make your product up to date for selling . In this section you have to fulfill all the slackness of your course and pay attention towards marketing of your course .
A)Make your course landing page according to student ,describing how your course will give them information for which they are looking ?
your course landing page should have information about topic ,sections and lectures(in short we can say how much content in your course) very well.Besides this how much time or investment is required ,what they will learn from your course?
B)Your course description is very important it will encourage student to engage with your course so description should be specific,compelling.Use proper keyword so more and more students can reach to your course.
You should pay attention towards course images and videos
You will never get a second chance to leave your first impression. So keep polish your videos or images of your course.
After done with course landing page or quality of images or videos move to next step.
C)Pricing of your course ,its up to you whether you wanted your course is free or a paid course.
If your want to provide a paid course so you have to apply as a premium instructor on udemy or give all of your PayPal information for payment under the price and coupon section of your course management page.
Your course price should be rational or competitive .Remember the actual price of your course is known very well only by you, so be rational fixing the price of your course.

4)Publishing of your course

Now you are at last stage of publishing your course ,but before publish your course
A)Udemy review process
Before publish your course on udemy marketplace , udemy will review your course ,this review process take place to fill any kind of gap in  your course.
In review process udemy expert team will review all your course to, make sure that your course has all require quality slandered,means  structure of your course ,sound of audios or videos.
After review Process they will send you feedback about your course on your email id.Some changes may be required or some changes may be recommended to you .When you are done with changes,your course is ready for udemy marketplace..
C)Managing your course means make changes your course time to time ,your course should be up to date and relevant for market place.
You can make changes by adding bonus lecture in to existing course , change its sequence,can change course summary ,pricing of course as well as course image.If you keep it current, students will automatically engage with your course
Now you are course is on udemy.


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